Thursday, September 21, 2006

NOW AND FOREVER - Korean Movie

Movie nie is in my next to watch list.... Nanti dah habis tengok, I'll post my review here....
Min-su [Cho Han Sun], a playboy who believes that there's no such thing as true love and it's all just a game, can't stand even a single relationship that continues on for long. However, fate leads him to a dazzling beauty, Hye-won [Choi Ji-Woo], who had just escaped from an oppressive hospital. She makes a strong impression on him. Later, chased by a nurse, Hye-won sneaks into the men's room at the hospital and their second encounter takes place. Soon Min-su becomes totally captivated by this bold woman. At first Hye-won resists their love, fearing that losing her to her terminal illness will hurt Min-su too much.


At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nadya, where can I get this movie?

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Nadya said...

The music store in my hometown have already started selling the movie.

Alternatively, you can also watch it at youtube....


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